Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ken Cuccinelli, ultra-conservative???

And it's no surprise the pro-life plate was pushed by our new attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli who ran in last year's election on ultra-conservative issues, was a line from the NewsLeader today.....

Lets see these Ultra Conservative Issues.....
From his campaign website
I sponsored legislation to give the citizens of Virginia greater control over their personal information.
I believe that preserving public safety is the first responsibility of state government.
I sponsored successful legislation to close a loophole in Virginia law by making it a felony to blackmail someone based on their immigration status.
The right to own and keep private property was considered among the most fundamental rights by the Founding Fathers; a right that I believe should be protected at both the state and federal levels.
I will continue to support a favorable environment for starting and growing business in the Commonwealth of Virginia
I believe all taxpayers should have the right to see exactly where their tax dollars are spent so that their elected officials are held accountable for every dollar they spend.
I have a strong legislative history of working to streamline litigation, restrain punitive damages, limit non-economic damages, and eliminate the abuse of non-suits.


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