Friday, September 4, 2009

Why is this News? We know Dems think "Taxes for thee, not for me"

A Westport Massachusetts lawmaker who voted to hike the state sales and alcohol taxes was spotted brazenly piling booze in his car - adorned with his State House license plate - in the parking lot of a tax-free New Hampshire liquor store, the Herald has learned.

Michael J. Rodrigues’ blue Ford Crown Victoria, emblazoned with his “House 29” Massachusetts license plate, was parked outside a Granite State liquor store on Interstate-95 South over the weekend, according to a witness who provided pictures to the Herald.....................

“It’s absolutely unbelievable that a Massachusetts state representative would be that hypocritical, let alone be that bold to actually drive his car with political plates to a New Hampshire liquor store,” said Cimini, noting Rodrigues represents communities close to his stores. “He’s up in New Hampshire to avoid the very taxes he approved.”

See the Boston Herald Story here

1 comment:

  1. no surprise. Warren G Harding who signrd the Volstead Act had a fully stocked bar in the White House. If I remember right, Senetor Volstead had a hankering for some booze himself. know these laws are for the little people. Ask Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon [served from Harding to Hoover] and our beloved Leona Helmsly.
