Saturday, September 19, 2009

"How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN Miss This Story?"

Headline is ad run in WAPO.
Now the rest are mad.
"OOOOOH, We covered it. Honest, We did."
"Fox just didn't see it"

ABC spokesman Jeffrey Schneider described the ad as "outrageous and false." NBC spokeswoman Lauren Kapp said that "the facts . . . prove it wrong." CNN spokeswoman Edie Emery called the ad "blatantly false."

It is false
They did cover it. They had stories about all the 70,000 racist, gun toting militia people who stormed the capital city.They covered the event, but they missed the story.
See the story here

1 comment:

  1. 70,000 racist, gun toting militia people who stormed the capital city

    IC more moronic comments.

    More like 1,770,000 people.
