Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 Year Old Terrorist ? ? ?

Damn The Common Sense, 
Full Speed Ahead ! ! ! !

Make Sure we get the Pilots, and former VP's too.
But Don't Even Look At The Panty Bomber.


  1. Ok Philip, now you need a "so stupid" check box! On my recent cross country flight, I was triple checked too-and detained while my carry on luggage was sorted-and I am just an old lady ! Next to me was a pregnant woman with a small child- and on the other, an older gentleman with a cane-never know what you might find in a cane. I suppose looks can be deceiving, and we want to be careful, but....honestly, a three year old?

  2. "So Stupid" isn't near stupid enough! Am I supposed to feel real 'safe' now that TSA is protecting me from three-year-old terrorists, Grandmas and Blonde ladies?

    Good Advice: Check your ticket code for 'random screening' code at check-in counter and decline there if you can.
