Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Muslim Cleric Tells CNN the Truth

A Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary revealed a few unsettling details of Islamic extremists’ worldview, including the role of “moderate” Muslims in spreading Sharia law around the globe. Choudary says that spreading Sharia law is a “noble” goal as it represents a “superior way of life” compared to the “shackles of man-made law.”
H/T Real Revo


  1. That guy is no different than the Christian extremists who want to turn this country into a theocracy where there is no separation of church and state. I hate how CNN is biased as usual and tries to make people think that that guy represents Islam. He doesn't.

  2. You are mad to blog about this guy ,and i must also be mad to comment about it!!
