Thursday, October 28, 2010

League of Women Voters Moderator, and Obama Supporter, Disrespected???

"There have been some groups who want to create a ruckus, call attention to something and using the pledge to the flag and making it seem the league is unpatriotic if we don't," said Greater Pittsburgh League President Arlene Levy.

The woman, Kathy Tate-Bradish, from the LWV was upset. She said that the audience had disrespected her. She said she was “forced” to say the Pledge and that it had “obviously been planned”.

MOELANE POSTS:     A follow-up to yesterday’s post on the Pledge scandal in IL-08: it turns out that the League of Women Voters moderator (one Kathy Tate-Bradish) just happened to be a hardcore OfA member and Obama supporter.  Everybody shocked, raise your hands… no, me neither.  Admit it: you didn’t even think that she was anything except a typical Democratic elitist, right?  And, oddly enough, you were clearly right to think that.

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