Friday, January 1, 2010

Rush Speaks to Press. See the Clip.

Best Healthcare in the World,
and it was no different than what anyone would receive.

H/T Breitbart


  1. Thank you for posting this!!

    Common Cents

  2. Perhaps you and Rush might someday do well to learn the difference between "health care" and "health insurance".

  3. So Zen, would u say we have a healthcare crisis? or a Health Insurance crisis? Anyone who walks into a hospital gets the care. They get the care no matter their ability to pay. The problem is who pays. Once the government starts paying, the problems arise like in England, Canada. Rationing. Ambulances stacking up OUTSIDE ER's, etc...
    Yes there are many reforms that should be made. For me portability is a big one. Fight Fraud Big Time. Post Prices in offices, so there can be real consumer choice. Make saving worthwhile.

  4. Phil, I don't know what hospitals you've been to, but in most, if you don't have the ability to pay, you will get minimal care and they will ship you to another hospital (probably public), for treatment.

    Rush meanwhile can't help but politicize everything and reveal his ignorance at the same time. Hawaii probably has the most socialized healthcare of all the states and Rush unwittingly sang the praises of it.

  5. Noone disputes that the US has the best care in the world. The problem is access to it. Hospital care is emergency care, or crisis care, it is not "health" care. And who do you think is paying that now?
    Limbaugh, and dittoheads like you, are not being genuine with these statements about "Best Healthcare in the World."
    Just admit as much...

  6. Oh yeah, and guess what. Hawaii has the most progressive system in the nation, so much so, that it will not even adopt the federal plan, as it would be a step backwards for them.
    Thanks for pointing that out, Rush, et al.
