Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

Lord Christopher Monckton on World Government

On October 14, Lord Christopher Monckton, a noted climate change skeptic, gave a presentation at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN. In this 4 minute excerpt from his speech, he issues a dire warning to all Americans regarding the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.
See more on Youtube

1 comment:

  1. The American people are being handed a fait accompli, which in reality is a coup by an Anti-American President. This is again a symptom of his narrcisisism and meglomania.

    I realize this is un-American, but I still believe this Marxist should be turned out by the army and a care taker government by Justice Scalia should rule for 3-5 months until new elections are called. The whole rotten bunch should be turned out and banned from running again. America will never become a glorified satrap of some international abomination.

    Forgive my disgust and perversion of our national polity, but I believe a 2nd Revolution is on the horizon. We are hanging ourselves just the way Lenin predicted. Freedom requires vigilance and we are being lulled to sleep by Materialism and a perversion of Utilitarianism.

    We are being distracted by petty issues and corruption, and partisanship while the Goths are approaching the walls of Rome.

    I apologize to the Y/P for such extreme views. Remember James Madison got so disgusted he offered Prince Henry of Prussia to be our King.To give away so freely our heritage is a smear and treason perpetrated by those who do not fight back to restore our sacred birthright.
