Monday, September 28, 2009


Looks like South Beach is still there

I had to show a film in class one day. I believe it was part of the series Race to Save the Planet (1990). Since that time, I have been pretty much convinced about Global Warming. Convinced that it is a hoax. The documentary had one line that I remember. They said that in 15-20 years, the Everglades could be covered by the ocean if we didn't act right away.
Well I was showing the film in 2007, which was 17 years after the documentary was made. I was thinking that "Heck, the ocean hasn't even covered the beach in Miami, nevermind the Everglades."
Today I saw a post at It is called Another "Couldifmite" Weasel.They say.......

Could. If. Might. Take a look at almost any global warming alarmism story and you are likely to see a plethora of those speculative weasel words.

All the Global Warming stories tell of impending doom, global catastrophy, climate calamities, etc. that might happen.
The only thing that seems to have come true is that Al Gore and like minded cronies got rich. And the Global Alarmists don't walk the walk, they just talk the talk.

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