Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another View from the Front.......

"Ey, Mate, Bloody good rally set up here.
You Yanks know how to give whatall to the guvnor "

Is that the lovely and GENEROUS Barb peeking out?
A big THANK YOU from the Scouts to Barb and Larry

Go See Swacgirls's pic of the 9-12 Teaparty Here, and here, and here.
See Augusta Conservative's pics here


  1. Thanks for the links! Missed you being there ... it was absolutely stunning to see so many conservatives. The view of thousands upon thousands of marchers on Pennsylvania Avenue was something I will never forget. I took over 600 photos and am busy posting them as well as writing my thoughts and observations about the day. To have six busloads of Shenandoah Valley residents march with us was gratifying.

    There is something going on in America....

  2. I know it was an important event, but had a Scout trip planned to Canoe from Elkton to Shenandoah

  3. Is their any way I can get a peak of some of those photos....I thought it was great.
